Who we are
CSN was set up in 1993 by people with lived experience of mental health issues. It has been providing Independent Mental Health Advocacy services since 1996 and achieved charitable and company registration in 2000. Since 2000, CSN has developed its range of service delivery to include support for a local user group, community, prison and forensic Independent Mental Health Advocacy Services and Community Advocacy & Befriending Services. Now CSN Provides forensic, community & inpatient advocacy
The role
CSN is seeking new trustees with leadership, management, strategic development, fundraising and HR skills to enhance the skillset of it current Board.
Two thirds of CSN’s trustees must be people with lived experience of mental health issues and there can be up to 15 trustees on the Board, based on CSN’s Memorandum & Articles of Association.
Currently the Board has 8 members of whom 6 have lived experience of mental health issues.
Supporting document(s)
- 220724.docx - Download