Times are Changing: Why you should consider becoming a Trustee in 2019

Source: Medium

In the UK, we should be proud of our extremely strong and vibrant charity sector. We have over 168,000 registered non-profits in England and Wales alone, each one governed by a board of trustees, existing to play a non-executive role to set and guide their charity’s strategy. 

Despite this, the demographic of trustee boards is commonly criticised for being stale and homogenous. Currently, 92% of trustees consist of white males over 50 with an above average income and level of education. Although this paints a less dynamic view of the sector, Sophie Livingstone, the Managing Director of Trustees Unlimited, has assured me that times are changing, and we should all think about what charitable boards need – and what we can offer.

Posted by Amy Whight on https://medium.com

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Trustees Unlimited believes that diverse boards strengthen society. We will strive to remove the barriers that prevent people from applying to become trustees and help our clients to recruit and support people with a wide range of skills and lived experience.

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