Our commitment to diversity & inclusion

Trustees Unlimited was created in 2009 to disrupt the market by providing affordable options for charities to openly recruit to their boards.

Avoiding ‘group think’ and asking challenging questions requires different voices around the table. And not just a token different voice – a multiplicity, drawn from a range of backgrounds, experiences, characteristics, places, reflective of the beneficiaries the charity currently serves and ideally those it would like to serve, too.

We are committed to ensuring that people with a diverse range of skills and experience are encouraged to apply and contribute fully as trustees. We will strive to remove the barriers that prevent people from applying to become trustees and help our clients to recruit and support people with a wide range of skills and lived experience.

Our staff have taken part in unconscious bias training, and we ask all candidates to voluntarily and anonymously complete a diversity questionnaire to help us track the diversity of our candidate and applicant pool.


We are working in partnership with two organisations to help attract applications to charity boards from more people of colour:

Beyond Suffrage: a new trustee training programme that has been developed to increase the number of women from ethnic minority backgrounds, serving at board level in the charity sector. Trustees Unlimited is the recruitment partner for the programme and we have participated in the training for the first cohort of candidates.

Girl Dreamer: an empowerment platform for millennial and gen z women of colour.

Girl Dreamer’s aim is to see a more representative world through tackling both social change and systems change by working with communities and companies to bridge the gaps that are causing a lack of representation and access to opportunity for women of colour.

Together, we’ll be promoting trustee vacancies to Girl Dreamer’s networks and supporting them to consider becoming a trustee through sessions reviewing their CVs and discussing their experience.

If you or your organisation are interested in finding out more about these partnerships, or in working with us to improve trustee diversity, please get in touch with Stacey Bennett.

Broadening our perspective

However, we certainly don’t have all the answers, which is why we have drawn on, and will continue to seek advice from a range of people to help us contribute to greater diversity on trustee boards and challenge our own thinking. They include:

Our commitment to diversity & inclusion

Trustees Unlimited believes that diverse boards strengthen society. We will strive to remove the barriers that prevent people from applying to become trustees and help our clients to recruit and support people with a wide range of skills and lived experience.

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Our commitment to diversity & inclusion