Developing on boards

We offer a range of support to help you on your journey to becoming, and thriving as, a board member.

Our Step on Board programme prepares skilled individuals to become trustees and connects them with exciting board opportunities.

COVID-19 update: We can deliver both Step on Board and Thrive on Board remotely, using video conferencing, phone calls and email. We’ve been running Step on Board for dispersed teams for some time and are experienced at delivering engaging content remotely.

This is a great way to use your skills and experience to benefit charities at a time when they need more help and support than ever. Please get in touch with us to find out more.

Our Step on Board programme prepares skilled individuals for their new life as a Trustee and connects them with exciting board opportunities.

Visit Step on Board

Our Thrive on Board programme supports trustees during their term of office, helping them to succeed in the boardroom.

Visit Thrive on Board

Our commitment to diversity & inclusion

Trustees Unlimited believes that diverse boards strengthen society. We will strive to remove the barriers that prevent people from applying to become trustees and help our clients to recruit and support people with a wide range of skills and lived experience.

Find out more
Our commitment to diversity & inclusion