Who we are
Sir Henry Irving founded the Fund in 1882 with a number of other actors and stage managers. Over 140 years, Presidents have included Sir John Gielgud, Sir Lawrence Olivier and Dame Penelope Keith. We are thrilled that our Royal Patron has recently been confirmed as King Charles III.
The ABF is a membership charity with over 600 members who are from the acting or stage management fraternity. Members select up to 12 trustees from within the membership to govern and take responsibility for the ABF’s management and administration. Those trustees can appoint up to four additional non-member trustees on the basis of skills and experience they can bring to the charity.
The Board of Trustees delegates authority to a number of sub committees, including Grants & Services, Finance & Operations, and Marketing & Engagement. We ask trustees to join one of these committees.
For over 140 years, the Actors’ Benevolent Fund has supported actors and stage managers experiencing hardship due to injury, illness or old age. To date this support has consisted of financial grants and benefits advice, as well as a listening ear. This support is delivered by a small staff team at Adam Street just off The Strand in London.
The charity world has changed significantly in recent years. Society rightly expects charities to deliver their purposes effectively for public benefit. The ABF has been going through a process of reform to maximise the help it delivers and to ensure it is the most effective and impactful steward of its resources.
The charity’s first ever CEO was appointed last summer, and a new Board of Trustees was elected and appointed early 2024 to take the charity forward into the future with a bold new ambition to increase impact.
To find out more about the Actors’ Benevolent Fund, visit the website: https://www.actorsbenevolentfund.co.uk/
The role
The Organisation:
For over 140 years, the Actors’ Benevolent Fund has supported actors and stage managers experiencing hardship due to injury, illness, or old age. In today’s challenging climate, the ABF also provides emergency grants in the face of the cost of living crisis. The ABF plans to expand and broaden the amount and forms of help it provides to meet the needs of today’s actors and stage managers and support them to sustain viable careers, as well as continuing to help those no longer able to work.
The ABF is managed by a small staff team at Adam Street just off The Strand in London and led by a Council of trustees who are all also members of the ABF.
The actors and stage managers we support today fall into two main groups:
• Some are unable to work because of their health, an injury or old age
• Others have immediate needs because of the cost of living crisis.
To find out more about our work please visit our website: www.actorsbenevolentfund.co.uk
The Role:
In 2023, we are looking to recruit Member Trustees.
We would particularly welcome applications from:
•Stage Managers
•Those with connections to/from theatres outside of London and throughout the UK
Most of all, we are looking for trustees who are allied with our aim of helping actors and stage managers of all ages and backgrounds, and who empathise with the culture of today’s most effective and forward- looking charities.
To read more about the role, please download the Candidate Information Pack.
Time commitment:
Council meetings are every two months at the Adam Street premises, with an option to join virtually. Council meetings normally take place on the last Thursday of the month. You are expected to attend all meetings. If you are not available, you can pass on your apologies, but must read any documents supplied and pass on any comments you may have.
How to Apply:
Please provide us with:
• An up-to-date CV; and
• Either a supporting statement of no more than 2 sides of A4 or, if you prefer, a video of no more than 4 minutes long, detailing why you would like to be considered, your relevant experience and expertise, what you think you can bring to the role and what you hope to gain from the role.
All applications should be sent to applications@trustees-unlimited.co.uk with your full name and Actor’s Benevolent Fund in the subject heading.
If you have any difficulty uploading your application or if you would like to have an informal and confidential discussion about the role, alternatively please contact Melissa Baxter or Ian Joseph on: melissa.baxter@russam.co.uk | 07789 985 229 , ian.joseph@russam.co.uk | 07825 267 500
Closing date for applications: Monday 30th October 2023 (extended deadline)
Preliminary Interviews with Trustees Unlimited for ABF Members: 13th – 15th November 2023
Nominations Committee Interviews: 27th – 29th November 2023
Actors’ Benevolent Fund AGM and Elections: w/c 15th January 2023
We look forward to receiving your application.
Supporting document(s)
- actors-benevolent-fund-member-candidate-infomation-pack--2023.pdf - Download