A note from our MD


It’s been a roller coaster of a year, with the passing of the Queen, the war in Ukraine, 3 prime ministers and the cost-of-living crisis, yet in 2022 there have been nearly 1 million people serving as trustees. The voluntary sector employs c. 950,000 people, which is about 3% of the total UK workforce. This figure has grown rapidly over the last decade, up by 27% or the equivalent of 200,000 people since 2011. What does this show? That even during challenging and ever-changing times, people still care and want to make a difference. 

Last week was Trustees’ Week and I wanted to take this moment to personally salute every trustee who is striving in their own way, to make a difference. The impact you make to the sector is tremendous and the world is a better place for your service. And for those who are not trustees yet, what are you waiting for, the world needs you?!

We are offering all charities with an income under £1M FREE use of our new intelligent trustee matching service (SNAP), so if you belong to a charity and you need trustees please try it out.

We are expecting an influx of new board roles so if you are looking for a role but haven’t yet found one, please update your profile so that we can match you with the right opportunity. 

Ian Joseph
Managing Director
Trustees Unlimited

Our commitment to diversity & inclusion

Trustees Unlimited believes that diverse boards strengthen society. We will strive to remove the barriers that prevent people from applying to become trustees and help our clients to recruit and support people with a wide range of skills and lived experience.

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Our commitment to diversity & inclusion