“Doing the right thing”

Recently, Ian Joseph addressed a gathering at an event jointly hosted by Legal & General Investments (LGIM), Hymans Robertson, Bates Wells, and Trustees Unlimited. The theme of the event, “Doing the right thing,” brought together experts to explore the intersection of charity trustee duties and responsible investing.

The event sought to unravel the complexities of ethical decision-making within the realm of charity trusteeship. Its relevance lies in navigating the delicate balance between legal obligations and ethical considerations.

Key Insights:

  • Oliver Hunt of Bates Wells delved into the legal framework surrounding charity trustee duties, providing a roadmap for operating within Charity Commission guidance. His insights, coupled with an in-depth exploration of the Butler-Sloss case, laid the groundwork for understanding how charities should approach investments.
  • Matt Woodman, Head of Charities at Hymans Robertson, expanded on regulatory guidance, offering advice on effective investment strategies. His contribution aimed to empower trustees with the knowledge needed to navigate the evolving landscape of responsible investing.
  • Nancy Kilpatrick of LGIM led a discussion on achieving impact with charity money, highlighting the importance of aligning investment approaches with a charitable organisation’s purpose. Her insights touched on implementing responsible investment practices for lasting positive change.
  • John Roe, LGIM’s Head of Multi-Asset Funds, provided a fascinating economic update and explored the psychology of investing. This not only informed the audience about the current economic climate but also shed light on the behavioural aspects influencing investment decisions.
  • Ian Joseph of Trustees Unlimited emphasised the pivotal role that diversity, experience, and a positive culture, play in driving better outcomes for trustee boards. His insights underscored how a commitment to diversity and the right organisational culture directly impacts a charity’s ability to make sound investment decisions.

Throughout the event, a recurring theme emerged — the need for a holistic approach to responsible investing. The interplay of legal frameworks, regulatory guidance, economic factors, and organisational culture became evident as integral components of effective decision-making.

The insights shared by the speakers offer practical applications for charity trustees. By understanding legal obligations, embracing diversity, and aligning investments with purpose, trustees can navigate the intricate landscape of responsible investing with confidence.

Our commitment to diversity & inclusion

Trustees Unlimited believes that diverse boards strengthen society. We will strive to remove the barriers that prevent people from applying to become trustees and help our clients to recruit and support people with a wide range of skills and lived experience.

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